Tuesday, October 23, 2012

King Kong

I switched on the X-Box and got transported into another world. I wasn't in Apiti anymore. I was on Skull island. I ticked through the levels. I let David choose one called Ann. He was in thick jungle.
Not knowing what to do he wasted all his ammo trying to get an ammo pack out of a tree.
After he ran out, he grabbed a spear and had a go with that again. No result.
I snatched the remote off him and got out the ammo pack and shot a couple of Raptors for him and went and played on the computer. Suddenly there was screaming!  Guess what ... David wasn't murdered. He just got eaten in the game. I had enough and walked outside.

Monday, October 22, 2012

My race was up. HOOT SPLASH!!! The Swimmers flew into the water as if they were rag dolls. Glug Glug Glug went bubbles shooting out of my mouth. I was swimming in a medley in the first heat. I twisted and turned as I fly though all of the different strokes. When I finished I found myself three metres ahead of